So fucking liberated!

May 08, 2006 18:21

Fuck yeah, baby! Er, or something? suddenleap has convinced me to start running with her. I was all jet-set to kick ass -- I even had all my gear (sports bra! sneakers! ponytail! striped shorts!), and I had contorted (to my roommates' amazement) into a variety of stretching positions not generally seen outside of Cirque de Soleil, and I drank a good deal of liquid (tea, even!) beforehand, so I was hydrated. And when we went out the front door, I was totally ready to rock, and I was going fast and was taking these great long strides--

And then my body was like, "Ha! You're a real card, Esther, you know that? Might I remind you that the last time you physically exerted yourself of your own free will was in September?"

But we're going again tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow... full of sound and fury. Wait, start again.

I am determined to make this a regular thing. It even felt good after I started breathing again normally! And the shower afterward... mm. I even shaved my legs. (I can partially blame this on Estelle, who is terrifyingly succubus-y and has taken up headspace more strongly than any RP pup. She was horrified that I would let myself go like that -- how revolting!)

Speaking of Estelle... I have finally figured out how to make tongues sexy.

No, seriously. I hate tongues when they're not talking or snogging. I think they're gross, and I hate people who stick them out when they think they've said or witnessed something funny. But I've got the trick now, for that Gail-in-Sin City effect.

But first -- making sure I don't bleed to death because even though this was a great shave, I still can't manage to do my legs without gouging myself somewhere around the ankles.

bodies are people too, huis clos

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