Fun fact: I only saw Inception once and I still hate it. But Edith Piaf stays independently good.

Feb 11, 2017 12:50

I'm on Day 2 of aggressive loafing, after about ten 14-hour days in a row, and it's great. My apartment finally feels like it's coming together (after more than two years!), I'm getting junk off the floor, I'm feeling energized and ready to get some work done. This feels super good! This especially feels good after an evening out with
oliviacirce, who is always good for Ethiopian food (glorious!) and Big Gay Ice Cream, even when it's snowing.

So. Now that I am finally getting my world together... okay, I'm justifying this by saying I really am trying to totally upend and intentionally rework my wardrobe. But really what happened was on Thursday, when I was working my shift at a different shop than normal, I saw that they had a knitted turban hat, which I wore all day and promptly bought (it's great!), at which point I looked around for free knitting patterns for such a thing (I am a knitter who enjoys learning but never wanted to make projects... until now!), at which point I spotted a pingback from my original retro model girlcrush Fleur de Guerre, whose blog reminded me that Rocket Originals are a thing, and, well.

I am resisting the Peggy!Cap shoes most of all, because they are $100 and I don't need them quite like I need the tops, but holy cats, are they not magnificent?

I want them all. And they're quite cheap, so the shipping becomes worth it if I nab a bunch of them, and they pair well with my Freddie's of Pinewood jeans, which I also want to order many more of and live in forever, sorry not sorry, disappointing American skinny jeans. All this and those Miss L Fire shoes I love are actually on sale and in my size, so I have to think kind of carefully about where I want my money to go. Like, yes, sure there's "daily necessities" like utilities and toilet paper, but what I really want is Peggy Carter closet cosplay for the rest of my born days.

If I do leave the house for more than picking up my laundry, there's a strong possibility I may finally, after promising myself I would for at least a year, go for that mani-pedi I keep craving. The weirdo "winter" weather is, among other things, making my nails really prone to chipping. I have base coats and whatever whatever for that stuff, but frankly sometimes your hands just need a hard reset. Of course, it's definitely cheaper to just DIY... I'm vacillating. We'll see. More loafing! Onward! ♥

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hole in my pocket, you're never born too late, shoes are my anti-drug

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