I successfully survived jury duty selection day! I also narrowly avoided being seated on a jury that could have listened to a case for an extremely brief amount of time, given one verdict, or a much, much longer time, given the other. I told the lawyers that I was too financially insecure to lose up to a month of income, so... many apologies, civic duty, but hey, I'll see you again in eight years?
One nice thing about being at the courthouse in downtown Brooklyn was walking out to the Yemeni-American
bodega strike,
protesting Trump's travel ban. It was really stunning to see, to be honest. I took
some video of the chanting, which was some of the loudest I've ever heard, from a much smaller group than many of the protests I've attended lately. You could hear them from inside the waiting room. I've mentioned this on Twitter, but one of the two women who trained me for my bat mitzvah was from Yemen. The Jewish community in Yemen is more than 2,000 years old, but its last remnants were
evacuated last year, along with a 600-year-old Torah scroll. The Daily Beast has a piece on
what those last years were like. But... no complicated feelings: I was in awe (and frankly, a little in tears) at how united and patriotic and critical and outspoken this mass of men was, even given the horrors that the U.S. has
literally rained down on Yemen.
Okay, so. Less serious note. Sometimes I have an Etsy problem. I'll think of a search term I really want to peruse and suddenly I'll become briefly obsessed with something with dozens of great sellers, like... light switch plates, or obi belts, or things with ferns on them. Given
my discovery of how to actually tie '40s-style headscarves... I went a bit googly-eyed at some silk scarves you can just nab.
I'm obsessed! They're from
BoutiqueRetrodeco and there are so many and they're like, $12 each. AMAZING. Then there's
this one from
And then there's an old favorite of mine: weirdo brooches. These all come from
TheMajorsVintageShop, which has a large selection but most of it is not quite top-quality. (The pictures are also all staggeringly, hilariously blurry close up.) But there are some really neat finds nonetheless. For instance:
This one I spotted simply because it precisely matches the one square silk scarf I do have and can tie.
This is missing some rhinestone bits and it's pretty tarnished, but I love the design.
This totally is my katahelion McGuffin for the
Big Band Witches novel. It's so bizarre.
These I just find visually interesting. If you poke around in
TheMajorsVintageShop's store, I guarantee you'll find more that perplex and intrigue you.
Finally, I am going to IKEA sometime in the near future, and while I plan on getting one single responsible item, I am also coming home with this
stuffed rhinoceros, dammit. So that's exciting. <3
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