In the simplest sense, I'm actually waiting for UPS to deliver between eight and ten heavy boxes filled with books, kitchenware and memorabilia from Ohio. The tracking information I've got says "end of day," whatever that may mean. My building's buzzer is broken, so I'm very much hoping the delivery guys actually call the number I left on the window to the lobby, maybe more so than I'm hoping they'll help me carry these multiple heavy and delicate boxes (many with ceramics in) up four flights of stairs.
Today in my planner, I have scheduled a check-in to see how I feel about
my goals for the year. The truth is, I've felt some combination of overwhelmed and sedentary for most of this month. I got bad food poisoning early on, which threw off my plans to cook more for myself. I lost any direction I had for writing fiction early too, so my 1,000 daily words of fiction looks very optimistic now; making sure I get in my morning pages seems uncertain enough sometimes. Today the Y ends its no-membership-fee special, and I should take advantage of that - obviously overthinking gym stuff hasn't gotten me any closer to just going and doing it. And I really haven't saved any money; I'll have to buy more furniture to house everything that's coming in (whenever it arrives), and I did buy a rather extravagant coat from Shop, which will be a lifelong thing at an excellent price, but still.
That said, I have done some of the following: dramatically cleaned and organized my apartment, reorganized my living space in a way that feels much homier, conscientiously started building a weirdo vintage everyday wardrobe, done some excellent writing for my memoir class (and I hope impressed some helpful people!), said yes to a few opportunities (stories, protests, workshops) that I might otherwise have skipped, had honest and productive conversations with my dad, stayed on track with some good routines (see: morning pages), gone out with friends more, done some thinking about where I actually want to live and how I want to work, not killed my plants. I have scheduled this check-in for Feb. 28 too. I think monthly check-ins are better accountability than simply thinking you're naive by the time you revisit your hopes in December.
I've also been keeping up with the news, so you don't have to (ulp); today's
Things I'm Verbing is a frothy mix of terrifying and rousing, I hope. I would also heartily, heartily recommend this new-to-me webcomic I just came across today:
How to Be a Werewolf. Basically everyone is queer, everyone is darling, everyone is supernatural but not weird about it and the whole thing is just a balm to my scorched heart. It's fucking adorable, and you should read it. Fashion-wise, I really want to figure out those 1940s working-woman headwraps; given
this video tutorial, it looks like I've been trying to tie them COMPLETELY WRONG. I have a master's degree! (Here's
a photo version for everyone who doesn't like opening videos.) New-to-me blog Flashback Summer has
some styling tutorials; she also has an Etsy store,
FlashbackSummer, where she sells handmade scarves, so hey, good on her. (She's got discussions up about
who can wear wraps, in which she's asked lots of ladies to weigh in. See also: "Why Is Vintage So White?"
parts 1 and 2.)
Right, I probably ought to be doing other things right now. Happy end-of-January, friends. ♥
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