"Damn, you know what I forgot to do today? I forgot to feel the president's glands."

Dec 01, 2016 14:29

This line from The West Wing is haunting me at the moment. I have caught some sort of unpleasant something, which is probably 90% being on my feet all day with not enough food and liquids at Friend Trudy's Shop and 10% my firm belief that my immune system takes any mention of someone being sick or just having been sick as "THAT SOUNDS FUN, LET'S DO IT TOO!"
hope is gone to new places now and I'm only just now deflating the air mattress; while she was here, we had a few conversations about rearranging my living room, and if I'm still feeling unable to brain the work I do need to do (pitches, research, reaching out to sources, essaying, actual fiction-writing), I might... do that?

I don't have all that much to say, honestly. It just feels weird not having written for a while! My next-door neighbor is back at it with the all-floor reggaeton concert. Apparently it's actually sunny and mild outside, versus the continuous downpour that's been the past two days, so I have many fewer excuses to not go outside and buy some damn groceries. CACW is coming to Netflix on Christmas, apparently, and I'm honestly looking forward to watching it without the noise of either angry Tumblr users it deeply disappointed or shitty audience members who can't keep off their cell phones. (I still don't own it on Blu-Ray, which... says a lot. I'm not actively seeking out a fandom, and I still need to do Yuletide, but ugh, drifting aimlessly could be a lot more fun, gang!)

One thing that is on Netflix now: Carice Van Houten's Black Book, about a Jewish Dutch woman during WWII who passes to work with the resistance as... someone who sleeps with an SS commander, apparently. I got about 50 minutes in and had to stop. I think what you forget when you've seen too many WWII movies is how terrifying and weird and compromising every formerly normal thing becomes. This might just be some personal political bracing; maybe I should pick up The Plot Against America again, a book so good and so upsetting that I couldn't get more than a third into it.

*Harry Percy voice* And to conclude...! I actually found a rather incredible article about Dr. Strange, although it's not really about Dr. Strange, which I haven't even seen yet. But "'Doctor Strange' and the Trump Presidency" is some good freaking pop culture cultural criticism. It doesn't so much advance an argument as describe a national feeling, but... it's good. Read it. (I've got others too.)

Written this morning, immediately before
dw_maintenance took the site offline for a while, apparently!

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
comments. I would love to hear from you at DW! If you can see this post, you can comment here using OpenID. Thanks!

rambling, link-mongering, cap 3: it always ends in a fight

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