One more fic rec that I can't let slip by

May 23, 2016 15:21

Rocks Fall; Everyone Dies by
paperclipbitch - 5100 words, Pepper, Rhodey, Happy, Vision, Tony
Absolutely the most heartbreaking, brittle, complicated look at Pepper Potts after Civil War. I am really not Team Tony, and I've realized a lot of is it because he never, ever seems to learn or really suffer consequences, but this fic, holy cow. This is really, really something.It comes down to Sokovia in the end, it comes down to Ultron in the end, but there’s so much more before then, so much more, and Pepper is trying to be at least twenty people these days and none of them are enough to carry Tony Stark.

Nearly four months ago, give or take, Tony lies down beside Pepper and he looks ruined, and when she looks at him she sees a killer, and she sees a hero, and she sees the man she wants to sleep beside every night and wake up next to every morning, in a parallel world where that might be possible, and she sees the man who loves her so much he’d die for her but she’ll still never be enough for.

Tony wraps a lock of her hair around a fingertip and looks at her with everything in his eyes, and he doesn’t learn and she doesn’t either and Pepper kisses him first.

Later, later, so much later, Pepper puts her shoes on and leaves and Tony cries, and she finally remembers that sex for Tony has always meant too little or too much, and sometimes it’s hard to tell which until it’s too late.

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
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fic rec, cap 3: it always ends in a fight

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