Well I'm standing next to a mountain

May 21, 2016 18:33

So hey, I ran a race today!

I ran 13.1 miles, but it's wound up being a 19-mile day with walking included, so let me just show you what it's like to have just run a half-marathon:

The original Instagram caption includes "I am a magnificent unicorn. Oh my god, let me never walk again."

It was easier this time! Even though I didn't train as thoroughly or consistently as I did last year, I still was only about 12 minutes off last year's race, despite having only run up to six miles last weekend. There was a lot less wishing I would die, a lot more zen-like focus and runner's high, a lot less bursting into tears near the finish line and a lot more confidence that it would all be fine. It definitely didn't feel real -- I mean, waiting in the corral was almost an out-of-body experience. I learned that the port-a-potties do not always have toilet paper, even when a PRP surprises you at the last minute, and I also learned that the caffeinated Gatorade energy goo gets given out half a block from my apartment, so walking up to the starting line, I was able to nab a few beforehand, rather than snapping up the last remaining tangerine flavors that were left. I crossed the finish line to "Voodoo Child," I kept my pace basically consistent the whole race and the AirBnB logo still looks like genitalia.

So I can't really feel my hip flexors, and my feet are in pretty ridiculous shape, but honestly, I've got Netflix, leftover sesame chicken and a daemon AU to work on. Today was super damn worth it.

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
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