Jul 23, 2005 21:34

OH MY GOD. THE ISLAND. THE ISLAND. OH MY GOD. Not about to win any Oscars, but OH MY GOD.

  • Cinematography and design in general? Gorgeous. Totally stole sets from Gattica, The Astronaut's Wife and the Matrix movies, but purr.
  • SEAN BEAN. PLAYING WITH SCIENCE. mirabellawotr, you have to see this film.
  • Total references to September 11th and Terri Schiavo. Very very eerie.
  • The future looks SO COOL.
  • I may have finally been convinced that L.A. is a real city and might be worth visiting sometime.
  • "Hi, this movie was sponsored by Puma. And BMW. And Calvin Klein. And Amtrack. And Microsoft. And the twenty thousand other product placement sponsors scattered throughout the film. Can you find them all? It's like Highlights, only with explosions!"
  • swankyfunk, apparently Steve Buscemi is related to someone who went to high school with me. (!!!!!)
  • DJIMON HONSOU. Pleasepleaseplease let me have your gorgeous amazing babies. Please.
  • One priceless cute non-sex-aware Ewan: amazing. Two Ewans onscreen at the same time? Estherdeath. (Oh come on, it's a movie about clones: if you think that was a spoiler, then you didn't know the Titanic sank before the movie.)

    Just -- oh love. OH LOVE. It may very well be the new Face/Off (which it also stole from! Hee, exploding boat scene. And harpoon gun.). OH GASM. O DEATH.

    I'll be in my bunk.
  • infatuation alert, movie review

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