Con (though not really): Finding out the dance class you rushed from Lower Manhattan to Williamsburg to get to is actually more than an hour later than you planned, which means you'll get home... right about now, around 11ish. I did get to wander around Williamsburg, though, which was fascinating and also surprising! Strange little pockets of intense beauty and quiet, somehow. Didn't expect that at all.
Pro: Because you've never been to the Tuesday night class, you might never have otherwise gotten a chance to dance with ACTUAL SEBASTIAN STAN CLONE. He was not very good, but WHO ACTUALLY CARES?
S C R E A M I N G: Someone
made a podcast of my therapy llama fic!!!! I'm going to listen to it tomorrow, on my way to Pittsburgh, even if I'm sure it's going to make me shriek delightedly into my own hands.
HELLO ALL. I have been so stupid swamped the last... has it only been two days? HI. I am making grabby-hands at your meme thingies, and will actually feel much better about being on DW during work hours while I'm at this conference. *eyedarts* Even if it's for work, it will be so nice to get away to a place I like like da Burgh. Soon! Soooooon!
Now to just. Get myself to LaGuardia. (Why is this city so fucking uncivilized. Why can New York not just be like Chicago and conveniently have airports at the termini of train lines???? Why can New York also not put its garbage on the sidewalks, but I don't want to end on that note.)
More Brooklyn-99 and some very late-night ramen, I think. Packing in the morning. Happy Tuesday, friends! ♥
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