This is the second day in a row it's been so, so beautiful out, and all I want to do is lounge around inside in my PJs eating pita chips and watching Fringe and Brooklyn-99.
On the plus side, I've determined that I want to engage with the original purpose of
magpieandwhale more (which is writing and art and creativity and stuff). Did you know it's possible to look back on your Instagram feed and realize you've accidentally been photographing a
post-apocalyptic urban fantasy all along?
(Since it's been a while, as a reminder, please don't link anything called "newredshoes" to anything called "magpieandwhale," which is tied to my real name.
This really isn't because I wouldn't want potential employers or sources or dates or whatever to find my fic, but because this journal just isn't for them, even if I am careful about access and public posts. Downer stuff over! Hi. <3)
This was originally posted
on Dreamwidth, where it has
comments. I would love to hear from you at DW! If you can see this post, you can comment
here using
OpenID. Thanks!