Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream

Feb 21, 2015 17:27

Oh god, you guys, I just finished rewatching the entirety of Fringe's first season, and I'm so overwhelmed with how goddamn good it is. And it really didn't start off that way, but what has always impressed me about this show is how it built a language for telling its story and sticks with it in the most disciplined, perfect way. The worldbuilding really is everything, and it's there from the beginning -- the big reveal about [SPOILER] is so subtly infused in every episode. Peter keeps saying things like "These aren't my toys" or "I don't remember that," and there's even a moment where he seems suspect something, where Walter says something and it makes Peter totally stop in his tracks before he's interrupted. I'm just -- so impressed with this show. It's been years since I've watched any of it, honestly. I'm so glad I kept my DVDs!

There is just so much. I love Charlie Francis just as ferociously as ever (Kirk Acevedo has the most wonderful face and voice), and watching Walter and Peter actually learn to live with each other and appreciate each other is so wonderful (for now). I also always appreciated that it took Walter's experiences seriously, and didn't shy away from what that really meant, for everyone. (John Noble as Walter, holy shit! Forever and ever, holy shit!) Broyles, god, I'm so happy they gave up on making him the tough, cynical boss who doesn't like Olivia. Nina Sharp, so subtle and amazing also. Astrid, who clearly has a secret life outside the office that no one asks about! Who knows about hardcore industrial clubbing and ciphers and hacking; Astrid is amazing.

Plus, you know. Olivia. Olivia Olivia Olivia, in her entirety. Oh god, Olivia Dunham. Olivia Dunham, I can't even begin.

The first season aired six years ago; that bowls me over. This show gives me such hope, though, that any story, given some time and pushing, can turn into the glorious thing it wants to be. (Note: I haven't watched the fourth season since it aired, and I haven't seen the fifth season at all. But the first three seasons are, if not perfect, circling it.)

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patterns subtle and sly (fringe)

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