I'm declaring this a stress-free weekend. I have been such a ball of stress this entire week, which was in no way helped by my pipes freezing three separate times (I haven't had a shower since Thursday). I've fallen off my marathon training because of the weather, I've had trouble sleeping, I've been grinding my teeth, I've been rolling around in existential crises, I've been getting angry about world politics, I've been getting truly distraught about the possibility of
losing Agent Carter, I'm trying not to come down with a cold...
I have a couple of long entries to write up somewhere, either here or in my paper journal where I only tease out the ugliest things I'm feeling at any given point. For right now, though, I'm going to celebrate an accomplishment: finding a new hair stylist on the first try. Her name is Angela, and I think I'm even more comfortable with her than I was with my beloved Analicia in Chicago. Right away she suggested the two things Analicia had been basically begging me to do for years, so last night, my first haircut since I moved here sort of turned into "fuck it, let's do it!"
That's terrible quality. Let's get some better ones. (Also, the iPhone is so weird about how you get images from your phone to your computer. Just saying.)
This is my "Lisa Loeb pose author photo" photo.
New glasses too, at last!
Anyway, we'll see how much I like it still once I take a shower and it comes out curly and I have to style my bangs again. I also made a coloring appointment to go red, so... having never professionally dyed my hair before (and not having dyed my hair since Manic Panic in college), we'll see how that goes -- it won't happen for about six weeks, so, adventure time coming!
ETA Dude, curls came out SO A+.
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