Morning link-java

Sep 08, 2014 08:03

Are we just not talking about RDJ confirming no Iron Man 4 because it's early on a Monday still? I have a feeling some people will have feelings about it. (Chris Evans, for his part, has been saying in interviews "not to take my job away from me yet" and that he loves playing Cap, so. Apparently it's an emotional week for the first wave of MCU actors?)

Hey, other great MCU interviews: the Russo brothers have been doing some talking in relation to the Cap 2 DVD/BR release and Agent Carter, and I'm just getting even more stupid excited about all the things.

I think these articles must be coming out now in a back-to-school news peg rush. After that long piece about unschooling, three further stories which, to be upfront, fit into a certain narrative about education have come my way:
  • How Do Unschoolers Turn Out?
  • Why Do Teachers Quit?
  • No More Homework

    Where Would Music Be Without Tori Amos? came out in March, but it reinforces a lot of feelings I already have about Tori and her importance as an artist.

    By the way, did you know that Loreena McKennitt is an honorary colonel with the Royal Canadian Air Force?

    WIP to keep an eye on: When Madmen Lead the Blind, an MCU AU in which everyone is a Shakespeare in the Park actor, and they're putting on King Lear.

    Another creepywonderful drabble about Howard, Peggy and the early years of SHIELD. More stories about [REDACTED] as the snake in the garden, yessssss.

    Apparently this site will pull up all your untagged Tumblr posts for you, in case you want to tag them now.

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  • link-mongering, avengers assemble!

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