I have 100% found a canon that I'm going to nominate for Yuletide this year. It's available on YouTube (I can't really find a way to pay for it, other than
Amazon and
for rent), but it's called
Red Doors and it's
super wonderful. Why?
Daughter #1 is trapped in an ambition-driven, loveless relationship and makes the right decision about what to do about it, in an emotional, realistic way.
Daughter #2's life becomes a lesbian romantic comedy with a happy ending.
Daughter #3 is engaged in a high school prank war with BAAAAAAAABY Sebastian Stan. It involves a lot of explosives, and also she is so rad and delightful.
It does come with a warning: The father, who has just retired, makes frequent (though Keatonesque, with pathos that's cut with black humor) suicide attempts. The mother is also very aggressive about trying to manage her daughters' lives, though not without that taking its toll. So go in with open eyes about that.
But. Baby Sebastian Stan is so darling. This movie is definitely proof that he needs to do a comedy. And all the awesome ladies are super worth your while, 100% as the main attraction.
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