Other ways of catharting

Dec 29, 2013 11:50

I'm having one of those days where I'm not sure where to start on any of the writing projects I want to accomplish, because they all feel so damn serious and weighty and depressing. My Yuletide is silly and breezy and was pretty fun to write, once I decided to just write it and not worry so much. But I think I'll know that something really good has turned inside me when I'm able to write up a story unprompted that's fun and joyous and funny on its own. This is still me in, oh, my-life-since-2008 mode, and it's not easy to believe you can be some other way.

But it's the end of the year, and I want to play in some other sandboxes. So, hey, delightful flist/dwircle! This meme helped me come up with some of my favorite ideas outside of
isurrendered, so -- prompt me and let's have some fun together?Give me 2-9 actors. I'll put my music on shuffle, and create a movie synopsis based on those actors and the first song that comes up.
(Likewise, if you want me to write drabbles or answer questions about Coldspur,
radio-ink, Innogen & the Hungry Half or Hipster Robin Hood werewolves, I'm all over those too. ♥)

Over on Tumblr:
  • The Summer of Love in Omaha + possible MI-5 hippies
  • Idris Elba misses the point of The Truman Show
  • Legendary briefcase-carrying special agent just wants some sushi before she leaves L.A.

    This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
    comments. I would love to hear from you at DW! If you can see this post, you can comment here using OpenID. Thanks!
  • drabble request, writing, same time next week

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