Check it out. I just wrote "U.S.A." with my piss.

Dec 11, 2013 08:49

From Twitter last night: I just used the word "automythology" in a sentence and only after Googling found out that it's actually real. #academicwriting

So, update: the capstone is DONE! It came out SUPER well and I'm really, really proud of it. I had a lot of great help from some super great ladies (ladies, I will thank you individually, but THANK YOU). Now I just have to write this GenKill paper before... however long it will take me to get to Evanston to deliver it by 4. So far it is absolute horseshit, but I'm hoping now that I've had a sleep I can whip out the rest in short order. I hope. I think the problem is that I still care about it being good, but really, this is the last thing I have to complete before my master's is done, and it's a bonus class, except for the fact that I needed it to be a full-time student, so.

Off we go, I guess.

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let's do this j-school tango (medill)

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