I think this is the proper time to use the "lethargic" mood selector. I'm back in Chicago and feeling rather out of it about the whole time, space and deadlines thing. There's this doofy PowerPoint I have to put together for tomorrow, and my partner hasn't indicated that he's done his half of it. I still have a ton of transcribing to do, and further interviews to set up, probably. I really just want to lie around and keysmash about the Animorphs and roll around in all my Joe Armstrong feelings. So, like any other night, I guess? But with extra lethargy.
Some interesting links:
Joe Jonas: My Life as a Jonas Brother, as an inside (but not transcendent) look at being a Disney pop star
From Vice, The Exploited Laborers of the Liberal Media; or, some of our most respected publications are still pretty shitty about what they pay (or don't pay) their interns, oops
theladyscribe has this cookie recipe and I am by no means a baker, but I do want to try it, as it seems foolproof enough even for me.
Making a Scene: Great actors deliver one-line short films.
For public media nerds,
npr has a list of Tumblrs to follow.
The Woman Who Remembers Mahler: Visiting with the oldest Holocaust survivor, 110-year-old pianist Alice Herz-Sommer
Archaeologists digging at Buddha's birthplace have uncovered remains of the "earliest ever Buddhist shrine"
MaraWritesStuff, STOP JUICING: It's Not Healthy, And The Mentality Is Dangerous
I still need to read this, but my dad assures me it's awesome: A Time-Lapse Detective: 25 Years of Agatha Christie’s "Poirot"
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