Still, I was remarkably productive on the angry-cleaning front there for a while.

Sep 18, 2013 22:30

!!! My modem is working! I don't know how long this is going to last, so I'm jumping on this opportunity while I can.

Hilarious story: I walked a mile round-trip to find a wi-fi signal so I could post my announcement that I'll be rewatching Band of Brothers and writing about it at
magpieandwhale. (Past me is boggling that this is a noteworthy occasion. Present me is still delighted by that picture of me and Michael Cudlitz.)

I went back through my BoB tag (which is we few we happy few) and, in the process of hoping for some intelligent commentary (there was less than I thought there'd be), I did unearth some old fandom treasure!
  • All my contributions to the My fandom [XYZ] icon fad ("My fandom made a video diary. Here it is.")
  • The Lipton + @DonnieWahlberg icons
  • Love in a Backward World, which is Rick Warden (Harry Welsh) and his real-life wife being amazing

    Unrelated, but for my own reference: squash tea bread, this is a thing I must make. Not to mention pear chai cake.

    This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
    comments. I would love to hear from you at DW! If you can see this post, you can comment here using OpenID. Thanks!
  • we few we happy few, fooding, delusions of grandeur

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