My dad and I were talking about Mom's stone-setting and planning for that over breakfast. I asked if he'd figured out a headstone yet. He thought we'd include her name, her dates, "Beloved wife, mother, therapist, friend," all of which I'm in favor of.
I asked about a quote. He said, "What thou lovest well remains," at which I burst into tears, because yes, that's a good one.
("Did Mom like
Ezra Pound?" "No, he was an anti-semite, so there'll be some irony there.")
I am thinking about taking a social media hiatus. Despite good intentions on all sides, there are some really unhealthy things floating around in the spaces I inhabit, both in my head and out in the world, that I need to step away from for a little while. (I know it seems counterintuitive to talk about how lonely I feel and then walk away from places to connect with people, but I think we all know how much social media warps us without our permission.)
So, I'll be around by email, and maybe a little by Tumblr or Twitter, but I need a bit of a walkabout, so. Love you guys, and see you in a bit.
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