Still love daydreaming about fic more than actually putting it down on paper, natch.

Apr 17, 2013 18:53

Tom Hiddleston will be playing Pretty Big Deal war photographer Robert Capa in an upcoming biopic, which I find pretty phenomenal for a lot of reasons. The obvious one, of course, is that it means there must be crossovers with The Hour, because OF COURSE Lix Storm knew Robert Capa (and competed with him, and was probably better sometimes, because LIX), and because Anna Chancellor played the mother of Tom's oversexed girlfriend in Suburban Shootout, so really, this has been a long time coming.

Speaking of The Hour, Romola Garai continues to prove herself as the face of Lady Joe Armstrong-flavor Harry Percy. I continue to want my lesbian AU that starts off "Harry was meant to marry the Mortimer boy. Whoops." Actually, there are a bunch of fics that I continue to want, including the RPF where Joe is a werewolf and Tom won't stop yammering about it and Michelle is full of feelings about acting and Joe, the one where the dead rise after Shrewsbury (per Falstaff) and there's a zombie apocalypse love story with Harry trying to find Kate while dead, and a number of Hipster Robin Hood ones that will, to be honest, probably never happen, despite my painstaking outlining of several of them.

Drabble prompts are good, though. Anyone want to help me write any of the above? Leave a prompt of some sort, not too specific, in the comments, and I'll reply with a short fic. Fandoms: Percys, Joe/Michelle, Innogen and the Hungry Half, The Hour, Hipster Robin Hood, RPF &c, any others that you think I might be able to do. Generalized original fic also a possibility! Crossovers and AUs always a plus.

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drabble request, you haven't seen my best yet (the hour), writing, tom hiddleston: double first in classics

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