Ugh, Blackboard, SCREW YOU.

Jan 16, 2013 00:01

Not to say this is a surprise or anything, but all this homework, grad school, what the fuck.

In better news, I achieved new Doc Martens this week -- they look even better once they've been oiled up (Wonder Balsam-I just love the sound of it!). I also introduced a few folks from my cohort to the Cook County Social Club; Improvised Shakespeare to follow this Friday.

Julia Child, Roald Dahl and Christopher Lee were all extremely tall and dashing spies in WWII: someone should do something about this.

I am going home to Ohio this weekend, along with all my homework, but I will have time to make it to Evanston on Monday, which is good, because how could I live with myself if I missed the chance to see Harry Belafonte?

There will be real updates in future, I promise. When everything is not made of overwhelm and mush.

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see you in the funny papers, let's do this j-school tango (medill), shoes are my anti-drug

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