Oh, so now it's time for the Yuletide reveal!

Jan 01, 2013 12:55

I love making this post! I wrote for a fandom I have never discussed online, and which I only read because I saw it on the nominations list and decided to go for it, since I'd been curious about it for quite a while. One other resolution for this year is to read a lot more Virginia Woolf, because wow, is she good!

I wrote The Wretch Takes to Writing, fic for Orlando, post-canon, in which Orlando's biographer actually meets her subject, and Orlando goes on a quest, because she's trying to write a novel. Or find Sasha. Also, there is the Blitz, and a reference to The Hour if you squint!

This story straight up wouldn't have happened without
oliviacirce calming down my screaming fits about how I didn't know how to finish it or what it was about it, and it also owes quite a lot to
ladysingsthe's great insight about Orlando and identity. Many thanks to
callie for prompting in this fandom, which I would never have read, much less written in, without Yuletide!

(Also, AHHHHH, hello
eudaimon [and all the currents of a heavy fight, Hollow Crown RPF],
lost_spook [New Tricks for Old Dogs (or Five Alternate Universes Where Sandra Pullman Was Always Awesome), New Tricks AUs] and outboxed [come, sing, Hollow Crown RPF] -- you are all FANTASTIC and I can't thank you enough for your excellent, excellent fics!)

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
comments. I would love to hear from you at DW! If you can see this post, you can comment here using OpenID. Thanks!

fiction, rarefandomalia, yuletide

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