Greek Mythology:
Springtime Will Kill You -- Oh my heart, this is Orpheus as a noir detective looking into the disappearance of Persephone, and I cannot begin to tell you how excellent it is. Totally tops in terms of reimagining and recontextualizing the myth. Not to mention just a damn good story.
The Addams Family:
Lobelia and Aconite -- Or; How Gomez and Morticia met at that family funeral. Delightful!
Medieval Saints' Lives:
The Life of Saint Margaret of Antioch (The Hundred Thousand Maidens Remix) -- This is the kind of thing that makes fandom great, honestly.
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy:
First to know the truth -- All about Connie Sachs, whom I adored in the movie (I'm not familiar with the other versions of the canon), and her incredible competence and well deserved arrogance and her family of boys who are spies.
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang:
The Wrong Man -- In which Harry tries to be a detective, and Perry has to fucking save the day. I shrieked with laughter through most of this.
Also, this isn't a Yuletide rec, but it is
a demand: where can I get the Hollow Crown AU where they're all characters from The Hour? I've got one episode left of Series 2 and I can't staaaaaaaand it, ohmygoingtoj-schoolheart.
Another link, since I'm in the market for a backpack:
a history of backpacks, which I had no idea was even a thing. &journalism;!
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