Updating from the sky!

Dec 26, 2012 16:58

Of course, the problem with getting wi-fi on an airplane is that airplanes, or at least this airplane, where I am wedged between a snoring couple and the plane's requisite screaming toddler, is that it has no outlets, so I'm on my last twenty-some minutes of battery with about 90 minutes left of flight. Anyway, have my last handful of Yuletide recs!

Slings & Arrows: The Winter of Our Discontent -- NAHUM. Anna! Two of my favorite characters exchange emails after S3. It's perfect!

Unreal Until Experienced -- Geoffrey and Darren as Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, basically. Rival magicians and arguments about whether you use it in theater! Again: perfection.

Chinese Mythology: Song for the Jingwei Bird -- A little bird and the ocean tell each other stories. Just beautiful.

His Dark Materials: Valley of the Shadows -- Stunning world-building. Daemons and their girls in East Africa. Listen to the warnings, though: it is not a happy story.

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fic rec, yuletide

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