In twenty-one minutes, I am setting up this printer I just bought (it has a scanner too!) and hauled all the way home from Staples, which, oof, is a much longer walk when you're lugging a printer than not. After that, my day goes Print "Summertime" --> Meet friends for dinner --> Last Vocal Tech class --> Meet up with J. --> Head to the South Loop for The Hobbit midnight showing --> Profit! --> Make it home and collapse around 4 AM, if I'm lucky. For now, though, some tab-clearing.
Have read and liked:
PSA: Your Default Narrative Settings Are Not Apolitical -- A great takedown of the view that women or people of color don't belong in fantasy or sci-fi or history or, well, anywhere they draw attention to themselves, really.
Mikhail Galustov Instagrams Kabul (by the way, HONY is in Iran on vacation, and he's bringing the same excellent eye that makes
humansofnewyork so great to Tehran and environs)
NASA Satellites Capture Earth As You've Never Seen It -- Free ebook of photographs from NASA! Click through if that alone doesn't sell you.
The Hour Glamorizes the Glory Days of Journalism -- See also: Why I am going to j-school. *eyedarts*
Still to read &c:
kouredios, Benedict Cumberbatch as Telemachos in a BBC radio adaptation of The Odyssey, which, I should tell you right now, I did my undergraduate thesis on Telemachos, he is the coming-of-age story of my heart, so I'm really looking forward to digging around in this more.
Cock, the radio play where Ben Whishaw is Andrew Scott's ex-boyfriend and falls in love with a woman, to his surprise (I'm gathering).
A Eulogy for #Occupy
It's She-Ra 2.0: The dramatic beginning -- !!!!
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