Master post - newredfic

Jun 13, 2019 19:19

Hello Yuletide 2012 Author! My letter is here.

Here are links to my full-length fic. I'm on AO3, and I've also got an archive offsite, but this will always be updated first.

My work is always, always available for transformation by other fans. That is seriously the highest compliment, and the thought of podfics or art or anything bowls me over, so, yes, I support it! If you do transform any works of mine, I want to be the first in line to see. ♥

All Most fic is gen or mostly gen. All feedback is deeply loved and appreciated!

Thor (2011)
Sif & Sensibility - 15K, Loki/Sif, G, Regency AU
Mrs. Aesir has too many sons and no one to inherit the estate. Someone must marry Thor, particularly if that someone is Lady Sif, recently returned to Asgardshire, and Loki will ensure that it happens by any means necessary - even at the cost of his own heart. Yet forces are at play to ensure no one inherits Mjolnir Manor at all. Will Mrs. and Mr. Aesir's past ruin any prospects of a future for their sons?

Currents; Tides - 117 words, Loki/Sif, post-film
The waters return all things.

So Will You Swim for Me - 5,269 words, Loki/Sif, NC-17/Explicit, hurt/comfort
Pre-canon. "But what the young warrior didn't know was that the dragon was walking, step for step, just behind him - one foot - after the other-"

A Straightforward Invitation - 1,217 words, Loki/Sif, G
Pre-canon. “Come, I have bested your brother on these grounds. Would you see if you fare better than him?”

A Total Precursor - 3,450 words, R, RPF
None of this would have happened if Natalie hadn't given Tom the Beauty and the Beast glass.

Band of Brothers
A History of Summer - 46K, R, A League of Their Own AU, some crossover with The Pacific
In 1943, Stanhope Nixon established the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. That summer four teams of fifteen women each dazzled the nation with their grace, their guts and their game. An oral history of the Rockford Peaches. Written for warbigbang in 2010.

Free Until They Cut Me Down - 25K, R, Supernatural crossover
The summer of 1944 is a respite for the paratroopers of Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. The unit has just returned to England from a month of combat in Normandy. Replacements fill the ranks, among them Private Dean Winchester. He left his own war on the home front, but attacks on the men of Easy prove that there's always something to hunt. Why are only Normandy vets being targeted? What’s behind all the attacks? And why has Dean abandoned his little brother, his father and his work for the Airborne anyway? Written for sncross_bigbang in 2009.

Easy With Daemons In - AU series using the daemon concept from Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials. Stories are not connected by plot beyond the events of the series and may be read in any order. Click here for beautiful art by skew_whiff. Daemon master list

Webster and Lucy, Toccoa, Georgia, July 1942

Doc Roe and Clementine, Upottery, England, June 4, 1944

Renee and Alexis, Bastogne, December 1944

The prisoner from Eugene and Liesl, D-Day, 1944

Nixon and Waverly, Aldbourne, England, September 1943

Speirs and Petra, Toccoa to Foy, 1942-1945

Guarnere and Benedetta, South Philly to Bastogne, 1936-1945

Blithe and Eula, S.S. Samaria, September 1943
The Sgt. Ddub Special Treatment (Holla) - 500 words, PG-13 (language), crack
When Donnie Wahlberg's Twitter meets C. Carwood Lipton in "Carentan."
Supplemental drabble: Norman Dike was lost again. This was, he'd been led to believe, most problematic.

Five times Skinny Sisk pulled lulzy faces without realizing it (If you can narrow it down to five) - PG
Skinny Sisk is the unintentional master of hilarious facial contortions.

Five Fairy Tales from the Ardennes Forest - 1500 words, R
Bastogne is not real.

We Never Trained for This at Toccoa - 1355 words, PG-13, crack
The men keep turning into cats.
Supplementary drabbles: Persian!Nix and Winters, Persian!Nix and Smokey Gordon

And God, I Know I'm One - 20K, R
So Sam is willing to let his younger brother find their missing dad all by himself, but when his fiancee Jessica disappears, he'll drop his position at a D.C. law firm and hit the road to hunt again? Fine. Whatever. Dean can deal with that, just like he can deal with the strange dreams and crippling headaches. The demons, though? That part he doesn't want to do alone. Written for spn_j2_bigbang in 2009.

Free Until They Cut Me Down - 25K, R, Band of Brothers crossover
The summer of 1944 is a respite for the paratroopers of Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. The unit has just returned to England from a month of combat in Normandy. Replacements fill the ranks, among them Private Dean Winchester. He left his own war on the home front, but attacks on the men of Easy prove that there's always something to hunt. Why are only Normandy vets being targeted? What’s behind all the attacks? And why has Dean abandoned his little brother, his father and his work for the Airborne anyway? Written for sncross_bigbang in 2009.

Ghost Repeater - 1000 words, PG
Ellen still hears everything. Coda to 4.02, "Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester."

Food for the Bees (I Could Easily Be) - 2450 words, R
Set in S1, spanning the time from just after "Skin" to just after "Shadow." Turns out there's one thing John Winchester can't leave by the wayside.

The Syncretist - 27K, R
Pre-series, post-Stanford. John and Dean are perfectly capable of carrying on with their lives. Syncretism is the attempt to reconcile disparate or contradictory beliefs, often with only partial success. Written for spn_j2_bigbang in 2008.

In the Land of Milk and Honey, You Must Put Them On the Table - 1300 words, R
3.16 coda. Dean is frowning down at his hands. The pose is so ordinary it takes Sam a minute to slam on the brakes.

Less Logical Than a Lot of Things - RPF bodyswap, 1900 words, R
This is exactly what they mean when they say not to bring work home with you.

We've Already Lost Indiana - crossover with The West Wing, 1400 words, PG-13
How Toby Ziegler ruined Dean Winchester's life, and Sam failed to inspire a keystone policy of Josiah Bartlet's re-election platform. Set during The West Wing, "20 Hours In America (Part II)," August 2002.

This Elephant in the Room Better Not Start Singing - 2000 words, PG-13
Your father has growled “Take your brother to the damn movie, Dean,” and so here you are on a Sunday afternoon, buying two tickets to go see The Lion King.

O monstrous! O strange! We are haunted. - 580 words, G
Dean learns some Shakespeare firsthand.

Give Me But This I Have - His Dark Materials AU with daemons in, G, 2000 words
March, 1986. Bobby receives some overnight guests, none of whom know how to say what they want. Comfort-hurt fic, because, you know, it's the Winchesters.

Lullabye+Exile - PG, 670 words
What she’s doing is forging ahead. Characters from 3x01, "The Magnificent Seven," and not-really-spoilery vagueness from the rest of S3.

Other fandoms
The Squid Is a Metaphor - Hark! a Vagrant, 2255 words, PG-13
There can be no secrets on a pirate ship. Nor, perhaps, should there be. To borrow someone else's summary, "A story of piratical life, crocheting, star-crossed hate, a woefully misunderstood squid, and a post-secret outbreak." Written for yuletide in 2010.

Delicious - Eddie Izzard stand-up routines, 3422 words, PG-13
A meditation on trichinosis, the Northwest Passage, build-it-yourself furniture and buried secrets of the Second World War. What? It's true. Written for yuletide in 2009.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Cherry Bomb Red - Ten Inch Hero, 1900 words, PG-13
Tish is really good with first dates. Sort of. It's everything after that that takes some getting used to. Written for yuletide in 2008.

The Amazing Invisible Mercury Man (I Was A Teenage Quicksilver Cowboy) - Stephen King's IT, 1800 words, R
Bill Denbrough never remembers who rides to his rescue when he (doesn't) dream at night. Written for yuletide in 2007.

Dearest Forsaken - True Blood, 4143 words, hard R
Prompt: The God who comes has come and brought hell with him. Summary: Sing in me, o Muse! God of meat, god of touch, god of sweat and teeth and loin. Do your will in me, which gives me will and sets me loose as I was born. Written for apocalyptothon in 2010.

Chuck Versus the Red Tide - Chuck, 1600 words, PG-13
Prompt: Casey and Sarah die in the apocalypse protecting Chuck, but he's learned a lot from them that helps him keep his friends and family alive in the aftermath. Summary: "San Diego menaced by jumbo squid." Written for apocalyptothon in 2009.

And Honey in the Carcass - The West Wing, 1500 words, PG-13
"Africanized honey bees in six counties in the Carolinas, Josh. Would it be so terrible to monitor the situation?" Written for apocalyptothon in 2008.

Ogygia - Firefly/Serenity, 2300 words, PG-13
They can't leave. They can only wait. Written for apocalyptothon in 2007, "Jayne and survival."

The Comedy of Errors - The West Wing/Studio 60, 1900 words, PG-13
Of course Matt and Danny were at Ted Marcus's fundraiser in TWW 1.16, "20 Hours in L.A." Of course.

Rock'n'Roll, Lycanthropy and Other STDs - The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion RPF, 2300 words, PG-13, crack
As with many diseases, Jon Spencer picked up lycanthropy in college.

Seven lines - The Sandman/Hamlet, G
Micro-drabbles of the Endless and the cast of Hamlet.

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
comments. I would love to hear from you at DW! If you can see this post, you can comment here using OpenID. Thanks!


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