I'm having some trouble focusing today. I have so many really important things to do while I have the time and space:
My application essays for grad school, so I can pull myself out of my toxic and enervating job.
Cleaning of the apartment, so it's not a constant physical reminder of not having the energy to look after myself this past few weeks.
The very interesting essays you all set me to, so I don't let ![](http://s.wordpress.org/about/images/wpmini-blue.png)
magpieandwhale go completely silent.
Stories, so many stories, including these, which I thought of again this morning and now am so deeply taken with I don't know which to pick first (even with the press of Innogen at my back).
Feeding myself, and getting the groceries necessary to feed myself, because I'm basically out, and I can't function at all when I'm hungry.
I kind of deeply hate that weekends are only two days instead of three. I could really, really use regular three-day weekends. (No, I do not get Monday off. I never get time off when other people do.)
I've accomplished a few things: I watched this week's Fringe (SCREAMING FOREVER), and I started C25K again, and I uploaded a bunch of new icons I like, and I finally ordered this. But all in all, those are subordinate to the things on the list above.
It's been a little "long dark teatime of the soul" around here, between family things, job things and personal things, none of which I can quite find the words for going into, at least not in a public post. Basically I just wanted to pop back up and convince myself to do some of the things listed above, since I don't seem to be doing very well on my own, despite the very good reasons to get on them. /o\
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