I'm growin' old and I wanna go home

Nov 28, 2011 10:43

I don't quite know what to say about my trip home. Save for a few, comparatively quite muted flashes, we all got along wonderfully, and it was lovely to spend time with everyone. Gus seems to have mellowed out quite a lot, and was deliciously, intensely cuddly. (Unfortunately, I grabbed everything necessary for taking pictures except my camera battery, which was still in the charger at my apartment. Sorry all!) Right before I left, I sat on the floor, and he dropped onto my legs and somehow increased his gravity, because he was deadweighting it and I was not getting on that plane. Oh Gus.

I finished The Tiger's Wife by Tea Obreht, and am full of thoughts, which I hope to write up at M&W today. Innogen and the Hungry Half is still on hiatus, but I have a much clearer, calmer view of what needs to happen over the next month. A new chapter should go up next Tuesday, so why not take the chance to catch up? Given that I'm taking the GRE a week from Wednesday, your feedback and comments will Tinkerbelle me to happiness. ♥

A couple of Tumblr links that are really getting me at the moment:

  • sairobee has made a shockingly evocative and wonderful Lady Loki. I can't tell you how much I want the story on either side of this moment.
  • I can't stop listening to Lisa Hannigan's cover of "Black-Eyed Dog" on loop.
  • Likewise, courtesy of Sairobee, Florence Welch's cover of "Take Care" by Drake and Rihanna.
  • P.S. Legend of Korra trailer, ajksdfhklasdfhlasjkdf.

  • wheniwasthirteenandnerdy

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    comments. Feel free to drop in using OpenID (how to do that).
  • art rec, thooooooooooor!, guess i need an avatar tag, puppy!!, audio

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