Guys! I would never have realized this if not for Twitter. It's Studs Terkel's birthday! (Granted, he passed away in 2008, but it's still his birthday.) (ALSO BABE HEFFRON'S. BAAAAABE. He is 88 today! ♠) Once upon a time, Roger Ebert wrote
a really lovely article about Studs, and how he's basically a rock star in every sense of the word. I still want to be him when I grow up.
It's a real Chicago-y day, with of course the mayoral inauguration just a few blocks away from work. The Christian Science Monitor has
an interesting article about how Rahm could represent a break from tradition. I'm always amazed at how outsiders see Chicago. So many people are like, "Oh yeah, Al Capone!" and it's like... really? Really? You honestly have no clue that we've come a little way since Prohibition? Not even John Hughes movies count to you? Because I will definitely go fist city for Chicago. I love this fucking town.
Unrelated: Self, spend some time going through
untasted and
bloodstnedtears for icons. Also
read this. And
this and
2:29 EDIT HANG ON. Apparently I wasn't done! So it seems the weird huge addition to the Reg on the UofC campus is operational. I had no idea it was going to be like this!
Taken off someone's Facebook post, so yeah, it's legit. (Stop laughing!)
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