No more dreaming like a ghost

May 10, 2011 11:24

So, the Fringe producers have given an interview about the S3 finale. They answer some questions, but of course not all of them! I found the discussion in the comments really interesting too, regarding some theories (and one really boneheaded remark) about what's happening in S4. I am not entirely sure I have any thoughts myself yet, but these do, for the most part, make me think.


I wonder if The “Peter” in the final scene who brought everyone together was a hologram, like his real father was in his original house. The real Peter went elsewhere, while his consciousness was projected into a hologram. I know it sounds crazy and is just speculating. But it would explain how he disappeared like his father’s hologram.


I honestly think that Peter exists outside of that Room he created. I watched the end again several times and I think some of the things he says are very big keys to what his existence means. He talks about how he seen the power and things the Machine can do. I’m wondering if that is the key to all of it. Perhaps Peter created an entirely new world without his existence because he knew it would help Walter/Walternate work together to fix both of their universes. I’m probably a million miles off but Holy cow was that finale insane.
Comment by Rob - May 6, 2011 10:22 PM PDT Reply To This Post


My thoughts are also along those lines, Rob. I believe what we witnessed in the last few minutes was what was playing inside Peter’s mind - not a reality at all. I have a hunch next season will open with Peter still in the machine - perhaps at the exact moment Olivia runs up the stairs to him. We did not see anything “real”….we were witnessing what Peter was thinking.
Comment by enterlaughing - May 7, 2011 06:33 AM PDT Reply To This Post

Right, I think the same thing about Peter creating an alternate place . he exists outside that room.
Comment by Carol - May 9, 2011 06:33 PM PDT Reply To This Post


As i sit here and contemplate what just occurred. I have to remember the scene of what Walter said to Peter. He said its a paradox he cannot change what he has done but he can change the decision within what has been done.

This leads me to believe that Peter was still born and saved by Walter, because the decision had already been made and the action already taken. I believe that there was more that happened in the future that would shed light on what has taken place.

If we are to believe that he has served his purpose, then his destiny has been fulfilled and the two worlds can begin to heal. That begs the question where is Peter. In my mind he can only be one place and that is still in the machine. Peter himself has to still exist for the events to have taken place. However i believe Peter linked the two worlds with that bridge and in order for it to remain stable peter himself must remain in between the worlds within the machine.

I believe that Peter knew they would worry more about how to save him than repair the two worlds, this is why he set in a sort of amnesia or a paradox if you will that states he never existed. If we are to believe that the machine can create or destroy worlds then we can believe that this would be an easy feat for the machine to accomplish.

Peter himself is between worlds a place of non existence between what is alive and what is dead. It is in this place that Peter can maintain the bridge that allows both worlds to work on the cure or remedy that will fix the events that set the destruction in motion.

So in short peter created a paradox in order to maintain the ebb and flow of the bridge that links the worlds he has made himself that fine line that binds both yin and yang together. Once the worlds begin to heal i believe we will see more of Peter.


I can get on board with the idea that he’s still in the machine, but I don’t think it will stay this way. They made a big deal telling us that the two universes absolutely cannot occupy the same space because one would destroy the other. So what I think is happening is Peter being in the machine has allowed these two worlds to join, but only in the room they’re in, using him and that machine as a space holder if you will (or a space creator). They will have to work together to repair both worlds and only then will Peter be able to leave the machine and return home. One of many ideas I have, but I like this one the best! lol


both your comment and the parent post resonate with what I’ve been thinking. The observers never said Peter doesn’t exist anymore; instead, they said he does not exist to any of the people in that room. That makes sense, for if he did, the people there - Walter / Walternate or Olivia / Fauxlivia would continue to argue and or fight over him. A lot of posts here make a big deal about the idea that if Peter never existed, then the machine, his baby, the fight between the two Walters never could have occurred. I disagree on the basis of Walter said, the past has already occurred, and they can’t change past events. They can, however, change decisions within those events. So, if Peter can manipulate the space time continuum to join the two pairs of people and force them to work together to solve the problem by creating his lack of existence for them in that time bridge, a solution to the problem exists without negating the machine, the baby, etc. It also allows Peter to exist outside the time bridge, and perhaps he’s still needed to maintain that while they work.


Yes, I think the resolution of this situation will involve the persistence of emotion as well as us learning more about the nature of Time. One theory is that the spectral Peter who appeared in Olivia’s mind in the early episodes of Season 3 was really the real Peter, who is now an Observerlike being who is free to travel through time. Or perhaps always was - an Observer who feels and loves? In any case, the writers will need to be creative (in the best sense) to answer this question and keep us entertained. I am… intrigued. I know the writers love these characters.


Oh, and keep in mind… this could have been the FINAL episode of Fringe, which would have been very haunting indeed… and sad… Peter heroically giving up his very existence to make peace. Thank God we get a Season 4…


Winning comment: "i literally gasped so freaking loud when walternate shot olivia. rude." Rude? Okay, that is one word you could use, yes.

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patterns subtle and sly (fringe)

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