[WBB] A History of Summer - Forever thank you

Nov 15, 2010 16:16

Fandom runs on enablement, and I have had some amazing enablers these past several months.

I don't even remember how I found out about warbigbang - maybe it was a post on my friendslist, or reading through the member page on aldbournewhores - but ever since knowing that the challenge existed, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. So first thanks go to the mods, zippitgood and exsequar, for putting it together in the first place. I hate and love you both.

♠ Enormous thanks goes to everyone on my friendslist who has commented and flailed at/with and encouraged me, not to mention endured my incessant hair-tearing and progress angst. There are many of you, and I am stupidly grateful for all the squee and drabble prompting and prodding and cheerleading. (custardpringle, you are a beast. Wow, lady.)

skew_whiff has been at the forefront of said cheerleading squad since the beginning. His portrait of Lena Basilone has kept me going on more than one occasion in this process. When he insisted on doing the art, even if I should bail on the challenge, my heart pretty much exploded. Guys, Skew is the real deal. I am utterly overwhelmed by how wonderful and perfect and also WONDERFUL his art is. Please please please tell him the same; he deserves all the comment love in the world for this.

crediniaeth is an absolute dream. It was her idea to use all period music for the fanmix, and I could not be more enthralled with the final result. Lady, you know swing but good. Also, check out that cover art. Holy cats, I am in love. Go and tell her how splendid she is!

indy_go, where do I even start? Thank you, as always, for getting me into BoB. Thank you for pushing me to make this a real story with real conflicts and losses, rather than just wish fulfillment. Thank you for sitting and talking with me about this story when there were much more interesting things to do.

bookelfe, second reader of my heart. I'll say it again here: infinite adoration and gratitude for taking this up virtually at the last minute, and for fine-tuning the things that needed it.

theroadislife gave (not only gave, but volunteered!) thoroughly useful baseball betas all through, and it is because of her that the play even remotely makes sense. All mistakes are absolutely my own, because she both knows her stuff and loves it.

omphale23 came through with flying colors when I needed contextual information about the war in the summer of '43. The newsreel mentioned in Part 3, "Deep Right," is based off one she pointed me toward.

eudaimon and I spent a lot of time emailing bits and progress back and forth, goading each other to finish there and in epic comment threads. She's amazing and I adore her, and you should thank her for kicking me along by reading and reviewing her WBB, the incredible GenKill story To a Place Inside Where There Is Joy.

elodiek, OMGWTF PEACHES POSTER. I don't even. You are the greatest, and it is so beyond cool knowing you. <33333333333

♠ Various sites on period details have been an immense help, particularly on the subject of the WACs (Women's Army Corps). The Women's Army Corps: A Commemoration of World War II Service and The Story of the WAC in the ETO (a contemporary booklet issued just after the war) were both fascinating and useful, and are well worth reading. For the interested, there are also some great online histories of the real AAGPBL, as well as authentic replica uniforms for sale. (Don't think I haven't been vaguely tempted.)

Square America, a catalog of vernacular photography, is not only one of the most amazing archives on the web, it's also where I got the title.

♠ Tom Hanks, much love for being enough of a nerd to be a part of not only A League of Their Own but also Band of Brothers. Both of them have had a real impact on me, and I'm glad they're in the world.

♠ You, for reading. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I've enjoyed telling it. Thank you.

This was originally posted on Dreamwidth, where it has
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we few we happy few, a history of summer, banging big 2010

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