It would be nice to be less grumpy right now.

Sep 29, 2010 18:44

Today: kind of a wash. I woke up utterly unable to conceive of going in to work just to sit there, feeling unwell and exhausted (still, ugh) for eight hours until commuting an hour home. It seemed like the better part of valor to stay home and actually recover, which has... sort of happened. This stupid headache has been sticking with me all day, and my appetite is on the fritz -- one minute I'm hungry, the next I can't stand to contemplate food. And I'm thirsty/dehydrated like nobody's business. I would get up and go buy some Gatorade or something, given that water and tea is not doing the trick, but see aforementioned headache. Boo. I would also cook something tonight, but something is gross-smelling in my fridge, SIGH, and I just really don't want to deal with it.

So hopefully the next few days will be devoted to being productive. I've done a little prodding at the WBB, but only a little. (Note to self: stop staring at pictures of amazing but sadly razed Chicago dance halls.) There's finally a timeline, so I hope to kill myself for the next few weeks writing, then get some beta feedback and rip it up some more before whenever the posting date is. (Betas and people to whom I have sent exploratory emails, this is notice that I may be prodding you again soon!) I keep seeing posts around DW and LJ about NaNo coming up soon, and I've decided to not do it this year. I love the thrill of actually getting to 50K, but generally I wind up burned out on writing and without a social life, so I think instead I'm going to try and commit to 1,000 words of anything per day.

Speaking of things to commit to, I did a sketch today, as per earlier attempts. I'm actually looking forward to looking back on this, because hopefully by the time I've done this for a while, I'll wag my finger at present-day me who was too impatient to fill in all the shelves on my bookshelf and the mess of papers under my coffee table.

Someday there will be a real honest-to-god scanner in my life again. Until that day, sorry, more Photobooth renderings.

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writing, scribbles

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