Avoid direct exposure

Aug 11, 2010 09:58

Last night I got to hang out with adiva_calandia, after many ages of hoping to cross paths with her! Adiva is both tiny and wonderful, and I think she should move to Chicago when she graduates. In conclusion: yes.

My boss is still on her staycation, and I am deeply glad for her that she seems to actually be staying away from work, because she needs the rest like nobody's business. On the other hand, my projects are few to none at the moment (at least the ones for work are), so now, I guess, would be a good time for a link-dump. I'll try and keep it on a scale of heaviest to lightest, or rather, there's one link that skews my whole set, so it goes first.

The Most Pressing Question - "What is it, finally, that divides the believer from the atheist?" In discussing Christopher Hitchens and Primo Levi, the writer makes an interesting distinction about when one best knows oneself, whether in extremity or in health. (I myself am of the "Atheists believe in people" camp, but it's a question worth pondering.)

Yes, A Softer World, Shakespeare is awesome.

Southland ............ old style. Memories of South L.A. 80 years ago.

As far as revisions go, I hate it when people leave this comment on LJ/DW, but it fits: THIS.

American Ghosts wants nominations for haunted places to investigate! Got one in your neck of the woods? Comment and potentially get an awesome analysis of local history, like so.

The Day Glen Caught a Toad. I have only just discovered Mischief Champion, but I love it a lot already.

To quote a comment from somewhere on friendsfriends, this is the best bad idea ever!

My Milk Toof is all about art today. Ickle and Lardee, ♥!

I want these tea sets. I want all of it, actually. How amazing a way to decorate ceramics!

An interview with Carwood Lipton, rescued by the Wayback Machine! He brings up some interesting points about how soldiers experience war and how, fundamentally, it can't accurately be brought to a screen, and he's also so complimentary of Donnie Wahlberg and the rest of the actors. ♠!

Hey guys, let's go to Patagonia.

Wow. The power of a coat of paint.

Free decals! Well, sort of. "Free decal designs, which you can turn into decals with a few extra supplies" just isn't as catchy, but the designs are pretty spiffy.

Words I never entirely thought to see describe a real thing: clip-on balcony.

Now these are outdoor pools I can get behind.

Fic rec: So yeah, C.J. Cregg should totally run for president.


Okay, this deserves its own section. In the process of trying to choose intro music for our improv team's sets, people have been sending suggestions over email. One guy had this to say:Though I am a fan of Esther's suggestion, I also really dig the horn intro to a song called "Dikiy Muzhshchina" by this Russian band called Leningrad. The best non-live video on youtube I could find of it featured some guy's Maine Coon cat named Princess. So, uh, I guess...enjoy that.
Watch this video both with caution and utter abandon. I have developed a whole narrative for it in my head, in which, when displeased, Princess turns on her laser eyes and alters the fabric of reality. (Now I want this to be a Yuletide fandom. If Maru can have one, so can Princess!)

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we few we happy few, whales are wonderful, the west wing, damn that's fucking dada, link-mongering, writing, fic rec

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