Time is a dare (especially early in the day)

May 23, 2010 10:42

Sometimes I convince myself that I need something to say when I want to update, and then I remind myself of the many hundreds of times that's been less than true.

Last night I felt myself crashing around 8:30, and was asleep by 10. Which means I woke up at 6, and have been puttering around ever since. I updated my icons, typed up 1400 words of original fic (climax of The Falling Woman, you are halfway done!), found a recipe for gourmet white chocolate Pop Tarts and flailed to myself about this infreakingcredible genderswapped cast of Chuck, which everyone needs to see. Ohmygod, would I watch that show too.

I also have some fic to read, laundry to do, a bike to ride and a cold to kick to the curb. (Really, I am so over these sniffles, body.) It's looking like a gorgeous day weather-wise, which I have to say, we are beyond due.

The other day I saw a show that was like a lesson in what not to do. There's this one player I've seen a couple of different times, and I have no idea why he's allowed onstage. He doesn't pay attention, he can't keep track of what he's doing, he laughs in the middle of his lines (which shows me he's not able to take things seriously, and you have to do that to bring your audience in and give the piece legs), he edits when he shouldn't, he gets in on every single scene (even -- especially when he's not needed), and his characters are basically himself, but more painful to watch. Being in the audience was immensely frustrating, because you could see all the other players trying to work around him, and he just. wouldn't. go. away. I think he runs that team's online stuff, which must be why he's still on it. Myself, I will have to get past wincing every time I see him come onstage.

I continue to be totally in love with this neighborhood. One more wonderful thing that reminds me of Athens? I can hear church bells. Love it.

This entry was originally posted at http://newredshoes.dreamwidth.org/1569286.html, which has
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to-do list, fooding, chuck: it's awesome, see you in the funny papers

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