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Jan 21, 2010 20:45

Chuck! CHUCK. There is nothing I didn't love about the most recent episode! I feel like there was more I was going to say, but I really just enjoyed everything, new character included!

I feel like I've told many people about the Kanye West-is-turned-into-a-peacock fic. The link is here! Also, how did I not know that there was an actual Daily Show/Colbert Report fight the apocalypse (as personified by Dick Cheney) webcomic?

Okay. I believe I may be ready to splurge on some shoes. Zappos, to me!
  • The Docs. I think I am going to do the Docs. And what's not to love about the prospect of wearing them to the Movits! concert next Sunday? (P.S. SERIOUSLY. Who wants to come to that? $12! Twelve dollars!)
  • I went to the Clarks store at Water Tower after work today. I was not expecting to fall in love with granny shoes. And yet, they're so hot and so comfortable. My sensible side is telling me to go for the second pair, but the first pair, seriously. SO HOT. (I should probably choose one or the other, though. SIGH, not being made of money or having a sugar daddy/mama.)
  • chuck: it's awesome, link-mongering, fic rec, shoes are my anti-drug

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