Hey everybody,
I'm back in the city, currently sitting over at Fuel Coffeeshop (wall outlets are scarce if you need power, but internet is available and I'm pretty sure I saw Neal making sandwiches if you're hungry).
Anyway, I'm starting to get some updates from venues and Friday night's Theresa Andersson album release show at Republic is back on after being canceled yesterday.
No word yet on the Zydepunks release show tomorrow night at One Eyed Jacks. I'd expect it to be on, though.
Also no word on the Rock Art Circus, scheduled for Saturday night at the Big Top.
I'll let you know if I hear anything else, though.
We were able to get out about 1,100 copies of the September AG before we evacuated, and hopefully our printer in Belle Chasse will reopen soon and we can get out the remaining 9,000--in the meantime,
download it over at our website if you're interested.