Some xf drabbles

Oct 17, 2008 10:57

“Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins,” He teased her as she entered the bedroom of the bungalow, wearing a rather sultry look with matching lingerie. She sauntered up to him as he reclined against the pillows, sizing up his sizeable size, and planning her course of assault.

“I assure you Mulder that I am all women and capable of all that that encompasses,” she said as she straddled him, yet not touching a centimeter of his humid skin.

“So you say Scully,” he replied with a slight lick of his bottom lip and an obvious leer at her chest.

She leaned over him, breasts hovering and practically spilling, and brushed his lips against his ear.

“Challenge accepted,” she said, and descended downward.


Title:  Searching
Spoilers:  final scene of "Ascension"
Word Count:  98
First Line Courtesy of: John Keats' Ode to a Nightingale

My heart aches, a drowsy numbness pains my sense. I stand alone, the betraying Skyland Mountain dirt beneath my feet offering no consolation. My hands at my sides and my face to the sky, I look for her. But the blackness of a clouded night shows no mercy and reveals no answers.
Determination and obsession will consume me; my search for her will be unrelenting. While I chose my fate long ago, I will not let hers be ultimate. I will dive into darkness if only to save her as I drown.

But I won’t give up.


Title:  Hero or Ghost?
Spoilers:  Pre-IWTB
Word Count:  90
First Line:  Invisible Man by  Ralph Ellison

I am an invisible man
hiding in plain sight
for either good measure
or spite.

The truths I’ve sought don’t find me;
answers don’t reveal themselves.
The Law wants me,
the fates ignore me,
and the world curses my existence.

I love in secret,
touching her body in the shadows
and offering pleasurable words in whispers.

Disappearing is necessary
but not long lasting.
I wait out my days in newspaper confines
sometimes I don’t know
what I’m waiting for.
But I know that this invisible man’s quest
will not be in vain.


scully, mulder, fanfic, x-files

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