Title: Peace
Rating: T
Word Count: ~100
Characters: Laura, Bill, Cavil(s)
A/N: Written for the Epics Prompt War #16 Peace at
bsg_epicsA/N2: Thanks to
lanalucy for the speedy beta. *hugs*
Disclaimer: don't own them
He’d mentioned peace. That they’d left the Colonies. Too bad they wouldn’t do anyone any good. But what had sent her over the edge was his gall as he’d said, “No harm, no foul.”
Bill’s “No harm” had voiced everything she’d been thinking, just before she’d ordered them both out the airlock. Would they hold hands in those seconds before their deaths?
She hoped they were far enough out of range to stay dead, but part of her wanted them to download, to remember their offer of peace was too little too late.
Seeing her will was done, she followed Bill to his quarters. She still had an election to win. Only then could there be peace.