Aug 23, 2013 14:32
If you don't hear from me ever again, I possibly died from crowds + exhaustion. But that's unlikely.
Anyway, because checklists make everything easier:
Dust off Firefly DVD boxed set for getting signatures - Check
Find a book stuff inside DVD case so I don't have to lug DVDs around and yet the box won't get crushed - Check (went with Old Man's War by John Scalzi... my other choices were too big)
Get a book to read in lines/bus (has to be a comfort book, one I've read many times so I could theoretically explain it if somebody engaged me in conversation about it, and also so that even if I skim past whole chapters due to anxieties or people talking I don't get annoyed) - Check (went with Blindsight, by Peter Watts)
Make sure Blue Sun T-shirt is clean, still fits, and has no holes - Check
Contact Runaways artist Adrian Alphona and arrange in advance a commission - Surpisingly check! (I mailed him a month or so ago and I'd kind of given up on hearing back, but he just replied this morning, but it's all arranged)
Find binder to protect commission once I get it: Check
Add pen to bag so I don't need to borrow one like I had to in previous years - Check!
Add ziploc baggies to bag in case of unexpected rain for emergency waterproofing of phone - Check!
Have phone, in operation, with camera, and fully charged - Check!
Get floorplan and schedule downloaded to phone so I have them even if I have no net access - Check!
Figure out exactly how I'm getting there considering my closest subway station is closed for renovations this week - Check (I think).
Futilely and obsessively try to anticipate and prepare for every possible conversation I might engage in during the event no matter how useless I know that planning is because I'll never say what I planned to anyway - In progress! And it will never be completed, only made irrelevant.
Plan my experience and which panels I might go to and such - Not done, dunno if I'll manage it, the whole 'taking place in two different but connected buildings this year' plan is really throwing me off. I have no idea where everything is in relation to each other. So I might just wing it.
Get tic tacs or some other similar type stuff - Try to remember tomorrow on the way.
Become master of all time and space so that I can remake the universe in my image and also not have to wait in lines so much - Working on it. (I have discovered a truly remarkable proof but it is too big for the margins of this LJ post.)
Final Shave, Shower, and Dressing (remember, pants!) - Tomorrow before I leave
I think that's all I can think of that I need to do, if I think of more I'll add them later.