Bored, so meme stolen from 80sfiend

Jul 31, 2010 20:14

Pick your five favourite TV shows (in no particular order) and answer the following questions. Don’t cheat by looking at the questions before you pick!

(Just as a note, I'm not claiming these are my 'top 5'. They're just 5 that I do like and happen to choose for the purpose of this meme, since I've probably done it before with my actual top 5).

1. Survivors (BBC)
2. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
3. Avatar: The Last Airbender
4. Stargate (SG1's probably my favorite of them, but I'll restrict this one to SGU unless one of the question demands another answer)
5. Firefly

Who’s your favourite character in 2 ?
Cameron. I've always enjoyed robot characters, ones who have a sort of exploration of what it means to be human combined with a knowledge that they are something dinstinctively 'else'.

Also, she's played by Summer Glau who is very lovely. (and who apparently is coming to the Toronto SFX/Comicon in late August which I'll probably be going to, so hopefully I'll get her autograph and meet her)

Who’s your least favourite character in 1 ?
Hmmm.. taking into account only the main cast... I don't know, I guess Abby. I do like people, even the specifically unlikeable ones, but Abby's got sort of a "she's the main character and leader so she can do no wrong" vibe to her that I don't care for as much as the others.

What’s your favourite episode of 4 ?

(See, good thing I didn't choose SG1, I'd probably be trying to decide for ever).
Probably either Human or Time. I'll go with Time.

What’s your favourite season of 5 ?
All of them were so great, it's just so hard to choose!

In a more perfect world, this would be be no less true, but also not bitter, bitter irony.

What’s your favourite ship in 3 ?
I don't really ship the show that much. I guess three relationships stand out, so I'll talk about all three. 1) Sokka/Ty Lee. Just because they're on opposite sides but she thinks he's cute, and they've both got sort of a goofy-badassness to them (although Sokka more on the goofy and Ty Lee more on the badass). He's already got other love interests in the series, so I doubt anything would have happened, but if not I could almost see them getting together.
2) Zuko/Mai. A canon ship, and I like them together, particularly when she decides to make her big move in the prison ep.
3) Zuko/Katara. Yeah, I'm one of those... but not a super-crazy one. I just liked their scenes together with the tension... I probably would have been disappointed if they ACTUALLY got together, because they in no way should given their history, but I loved the tension about mixed feelings for each other, some of which verged on romantic.

Who is your anti-ship in 2 ?
There weren't really a lot of ships in the show, and most of the ones I didn't like were pretty much doomed from the start (and some of them turned out pretty cool BECAUSE of that). So I'll just say "Any one except John/Cameron". Yeah, I know she's a Terminator and her instinct is to kill him, but if Terminators can't find love, what hope is there for the rest of us? ... Wait, that didn't quite turn out the way I intended.

How long have you watched 1 ?
I started watching it a few weeks after it starteed airing in the UK. I got it through... let's say magic.

How did you become interested in 3 ?
Back when I had more than 5 TV shows, I used to enjoy watching cartoons. And, oddly enough, I pretty much always SKIPPED Avatar. I figured it was just standard anime crap, the stuff I almost never like. Never gave it a try. I can't even remember why, but every once in a while I found it on and found myself watching and it actually seemed to be enjoyable. But it was the middle of the first or second season, and I didn't really want to start there. But I kept watching from time to time. Finally, one summer after I LOST my cable, I finally tracked down the episodes (via magic) and watched from the start. Now that they announced the sequel series I'm actually considering watching the whole series again.

Who’s your favourite actor in 4 ?
Easily Robert Carlyle. He sells Rush in all his complexity, both the human moments and the darker scheming moments (which are also very human).

Which show do you prefer ? 1,2 or 5 ?
Firefly, easily. But I probably feel the most UNFINISHED with 2, since it ended on a $!@$ cliffhanger.

Which show have you seen more episodes of; 1 or 3 ?
1 only had like 13 episodes or something, and Avatar had 3 seasons of 20-something episodes each. Even if you match them up by time rather than episode numbers, Avatar comes out ahead.

If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be ?
I guess Eli, mainly because I wouldn't have to change much, I'd just get a lot more intelligent, a bit fatter and whinier and probably still more romantic prospects. And I could totally be the guy who comes up with brilliant solutions based on the technology we have, assuming I'm granted the brainpower to put them into action.

How would you kill off your favourite character in 1 ?
Hmmm... well, the favorite character is Tom, the ex-con who does what it takes to survive. So if I was going to kill him, I'd probably make him do it selflessly, probably dying to save the girl he loves.

Give a random quote from 1

Tom: "You know what your problem is? You think that people are basically good. But they're not. When it comes down to it, we'll do anything to get what we want. Anything."
Abby: "I don't believe you. We're better than that. We have to be."
Tom: "The world's a bad place, Abby. Always was. Now there's no... there's no civilization left. There's no protection. We're seeing each other for what we really are and it's not pretty."

Would a 3/4 crossover work ?
Not really. I mean, I suppose you could say Avatar all takes place in the galaxy that the Destiny is in. So the crew there could gate in and see all these people who can manipulate the elements. It could be crackily fun in some way. But thematically it doesn't really work.

Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
Hmmm... tough one, really, since there are kind of established pairs and 'sort-of pairs' and there aren't really many side characters. I'm going to pass and do it about (without looking in advance to see what it is), whatever the show the next question is asking about.

And it's 5. Okay, a little easier, although not much, since I'm not really one for straying outside the established ships. But, assuming their other romantic interests were out of the way, I could see either Jayne/Kaylee could make a weird but okay couple, or Simon/Inara.

Has 5 inspired you in any way ?
Very frequently I repeat to myself some variation of the exchange:
"We're still flying."
"That's not much."
"It's enough."

Overall, which show has a better cast ? 3 or 5 ?
5. Not really a hard one.

Which has better theme music, 2 or 4 ?
Hmmm... the Terminator Theme vs the orchestral Stargaty music. I think Terminator wins because I can instantly hear it in my head, whereas Stargate one is nice but I don't exactly know what it is.

However, all of this is iffy, because I can't 100% remember if they actually use the traditional Terminator music in the series theme (or indeed, if there is a theme), and if not, what they do use.

firefly, tv, ai rights, cartoons, terminator, stargate

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