Finished: Wild Cards, Vol 2: Aces High, edited by George R. R. Martin
Started: Wild Cards, Vol 3: Jokers Wild, edited by George R. R. Martin
So, Wild Cards 2, another 'mosaic novel'. This one though has a more cohesive plot. Whereas the first one was telling the broad story of the world in the 40 years since the Wild Card virus was released (through individual tales), this one has different writers tackling the same basic story. How does it work? Not bad, but I preferred the first book. (Minor spoilers behind the cut, mostly plot-based, plus some longer thoughts on some of the characters I enjoy).
The plot of this one is an alien being, sort of Cthulhuoid, that is lurking in the solar system and threatening the planet, and meanwhile conflicts between superheroes and a cult-like organization that seems connected to the beast. Since it's a mosaic novel, it doesn't read like a traditional story - characters involved early on weave out of the story and we (and they) never find out what goes on with them during the rest of it, and they possibly never find out all about what they know, and similarly, characters who are part of the universe but weren't in any of the early stories appear towards the end and play key roles. It's a little odd from a narrative perspective, but in a way gives it more of a 'real life' feeling.
Still, I dunno, the flow does seem to be hurt by it. Overall I still enjoyed it, it just doesn't strike me as as 'cool' as the first one, which is odd, because normally cthulhoud monsters make EVERYTHING better.
Anyway, again the Turtle is one of my favorite characters in it, even if his role is relatively minor in the story. Probably because in many ways I am the Great and Powerful Turtle. I don't have phenomenal telekinetic powers (alas/YET), nor do I patrol the city fighting crime in my flying armored vehicle (alas/yet), but like him I sort of lock my way inside a shell in which I'm comfortable and can feel 'free', whereas when I'm outside of it, I feel nervous and awkward and worthless. Of course, my shell's my apartment and the internet, rather than an actual physical shell.
Other than him, at least so far I think I enjoy the world more than most of the characters. Tachyon's okay, and I like Croyd. Some of the characters due to come up in prominence I like, and a lot of the minor characters who don't get much to do. But Modular Man kinda leaves me a little cold and I never really dug Brennan all that much.
Finished: The Hand of Oberon, by Roger Zelazny (reread)
Started: The Courts of Chaos, by Roger Zelazny (reread)
So yeah, reaching the point in the series where I'm getting a little bored with it. (Very minor spoilers beyond)
There's still some interest here, but we're getting to the point where they're sort of repeatedly giving alternate explanations of what happened in/before the first book, revealing new things and conflicting stories, and so it kind of got a bit tiresome. On the plus side, though, because there were so many and it's been a while since I read it, I couldn't remember who it was that was behind things and who were the decoys.
And we're on to the last book now.
Anything else to report? I don't think so. I think I'm coming down with a cold again, very slowly and still with a chance of fighting it off. We'll see. Still writing but it's getting to be a bit of a slog. Haven't checked out Brave and the Bold the new DCU cartoon yet, but eventually maybe. TV-wise, things have been a bit meh. Terminator _almost_ turned in one of their more kickass episodes, but they ruined too much of the awesome with the way they told the story and it turned out only okay.