Cold Turkey...

Dec 10, 2007 06:32

((This entry has been copied & pasted from my MySpace blog, dated November 16th))

I know a lot of you will be extremely pleased to hear my latest news. Some of you may be shocked by it, and others may even mourn it. They say things come in 3's and this is number 3...

1) A year and 1/2 ago I decided to stop dying my hair. I'd dyed my hair, various colors, pretty regularly since I was in middle school, and it was time for a change of a different go all natural.

2) A year ago I removed my tongue piercing. Granted the choice wasn't entirely my own, but I did do it before I was told I had to (by my bosses at that time). I got my tongue pierced when I was 18, and I was 28 when I let it close up for good. Thus ending a 10-year "semi-rebel" phase of mine.

My most drastic change, yet...

3) A month ago I decided to quit smoking...Cold Turkey! So far - So good. WooHoo! I realized I gained very little pleasure from smoking cigarettes, and I always knew it was terribly bad for my health. My willpower has proven to be stronger than I originally expected. In fact, I might even dare to say quitting smoking is almost easy. I was 19 when I started smoking, and I'm quitting at age 29. Thus ending my 10-year love affair with tobacco.

I know some of you might not see the connection between the three things I listed above, but to me they were all a part of my identity for many years. Sheesh...the closer I get to 30 the more boring I get. Hee-hee!

- Angel
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