Sep 29, 2008 22:02
i need to be vague. so please try and understand.
i finally made a decision between two things. for a while i had been sitting in a place that could end up being awful if i didn't take one way or the other fast.
i made that decision aboouut 5 days ago, and i felt pretty good about it. except now im having second thoughts.
im weighing the pros and the cons, and the decision i gave up is definitely out weighing the place im at right now.
but, there is ONE thing, one HUGE thing that the decision i gave up doesn't have, but the one im with right now does have.
if i wait to long, i'll lose what i've already given up. it actually may already be too late.
but, giving up what i have right now will be one of the hardest things i have EVER done.
but what if the decision i gave up is what i need, im just scared of it. which, in a way, i am. i don't trust that decision at all. but every other thing seems ABSOLUTELY PERFECT.
but, the decision im with now, i trust so much. this place will never fail me..but, is safe really the way i need to go? don't i need to take risks? or am i taking a risk?
so i just reread everything. it seems to me that one way is right, and one way is wrong. but which is which?
the right thing is always the hardest thing.
but what if not now? shouldn't love be easy, and clear? there shouldn't be second thoughts.
if you do understand what im talking about, i'd appreciate it if you keep this to yourself. im only making this 'public' for advice.
i do not know what to do. i can no longer just SIT and hope that some big sign will tell me which way to go, i need to know before i lose it all.
i HATE regret, and i HATE having 2nd thoughts. mostly because i rarely feel this, i've always been a 'everything happens for a reason' and big fate believer, and thought that if i made the wrong decision-so what. i just im so lost within myself right now i don't know what i want, and what my true instinct is. maybe i do, im just too young to recognize it. too nieve. i've been so carefree lately that i've lost my instinct, and i've lost my sense of what i believe is right and wrong. i just kind of do what i want, when i want.