(no subject)

Jan 17, 2009 20:20

Candice arrives home late on Saturday evening in lieu of the promised Friday, for which she is, of course, very sorry, but she does think Martel will be understanding. She got her job done with only a few setbacks, and is arriving home tired and eager to reacquaint herself with the castle she's come to think of as being as much hers as it is Martel's. She briefly drops in with the servants to let them know she's home, and then heads toward the bedroom suite.

While she doubts Martel will be there (though she hopes so), she's decided that even if he isn't, she's not really interested in traipsing all over the castle. Consequently, she chooses to drop off her things and shuck her clothes and crawl into bed.

When he does show up, he'll get a surprise.
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