Hey everybody!!!
I haven't posted here in over a week, I'm sorry about that. I've been really stressed out over my own personal issues, so forgive me.
Here are a few things:
A playlist!!!!
Also, a review!!!
There has been much speculation over the release of this particular track, from the mysterious link on a message board to the encryptions in the pdf file with "wallofice", to having Sirus Radio even announncing it as an "upcoming single from an upcoimg EP". Even the band hasn't exactly mentioned their method, but if this was a scheme to get people to listen, they did their job. And the track just happened to live up to the hype.
As I've mentioned before, I'm a Radiohead fan through and through, but I can honestly say that their other song that Thom Yorke performed a few weeks ago was a better song. While this song is dark, a la "Nude" or "Videotape", I think the best part of this song is the lyrics, which in Radiohead fashion, are very detached but in this instance, extremely direct. I have been playing this song for about a week and an half, ripping the original flash single, and I really enjoy it, but I think that the beginning eludes to something that could have been beofre it, making me only more anxious to hear whatever these men have up their sleeves. Regardless, another great track from my favorite band.
I have always been a fan of this band, even enjoying them far more than I did the band thwy opened for, The Fray. With them, I think their best attritube is their precussion. I could live in their percussion section, so varied, so chaotic. It's always changing and they take it a step further every time.
I have been listening to this album non-stop all day, taking a break from the Radiohead song, and have thoroughly enjoyed it. They pushed the envelope again with songs like Arcitecture and Backfire. I think the vocals only got better on this album, so many wonderful pop tunes cover this one. I'm not one dance, but this album makes me want to all the time. Kudos, dudes.
Choice Tracks: Architecture, Goodbye, and Lost Year. Seriously, they're all worth a listen.