(no subject)

Oct 30, 2010 16:47

Why didn't my last entry post properly? Oy. I never have time to post, and when I do, LJ decides to be weird. *sigh* At least it's there now, better late than never. (Though ironically it was the only entry I ever mentioned politics in aside from during Presidential elections. A sign? Maybe. Of what? I'm not sure!)

Anyhoo, sewing! I've actually started on my chemise for my Civil War dress! Shock of shocks! Actual sewing, can it be possible?! Well, actual sewing hasn't started yet, but I found the muslin and the pattern and it's layed out on my cutting board, which is more progress than I've made in a long time! Also I'm giving myself a deadline this time; I want to finish it this weekend, so that I'll have it out of the way before NaNoWriMo starts. I actually had fun doing NaNo last year, even though I didn't finish, and I'd like to try it again. I doubt I'll finish this year either, but just to get farther than before would be nice, and not having unfinished sewing projects laying around would really help!

nanowrimo, sewing

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