Feb 25, 2010 18:28

OMFG YAY!!! VIRTUE & MOIR! DAVIS & WHITE! GOLD AND SILVER!!!! I knew they would, because they're the best teams in the world, but still, when it actually happens, it's the awesomest thing EVER. And how cute were they all? For those who don't know, Davis & White and Virtue & Moir share the same coaches and are very good friends, and it was just adorable to see how happy they were for eachother and how delighted they were to share their Olympic success. Meryl almost cried when she talked about it! (Awww!) The media loves to paint figure skating as being full of catty rivalries and diva attitudes, but that stereotype is really untrue. Obviously there ARE rivalries, the same as in any other sport, but for the most part there's a lot of comradery and respect among skaters. The media has been giving a lot of attention to Evgeny Plushenko's poor sportsmanship after losing to Evan Lysacek, but I think these four talented young North American ice dancers, who push the sport to new heights while still maintaining their friendship, topping the podium together at their first Olympics, and sharing in the joy of their success, is the better (and certainly more heart-warming and inspirational!) Olympic story.

And now for the ladies! Kim and Asada are where I expected them to be after the short, but I'm so happy for Joannie Rochette. Her mother died a few days ago, and for her to go out and skate at all, let alone as well as she did, is just beyond amazing. I can't even imagine what kind of courage she must have. I just hope she keeps skating as well as we all know she can! I'm really mad that Miki Ando is in fourth ahead of Rachael Flatt and Mirai Nagasu, though. She has no where near the skating skills they have. One thing that really irks me is when skaters have bad posture and look hunched over on the ice, and Ando always does! It makes me crazy! Plus she has no grace or extension or anything, all she can do is jump. And one of her jumps should have been downgraded, so how did she get ahead of Rachael, who had personality and musicality and quality technique? It makes no sense, and it's the same thing that happened in the short in the mens event. Nobunari Oda should not have been fourth in the short ahead of Stephane Lambiel and Johnny Weir. It's the same story, they were basically the same in the jumps, but Stephane and Johnny had better quality in all the rest of their skating, and yet still got lower marks. Explain that to me please? Oda and Weir completed the same number of triples, and yet Johnny, who had quality technique, plus personality and musicality, placed lower than Oda, who has none of those qualities. WTF??? And I'm really mad, because had Johnny been higher in the short, he might have had a better chance at the podium, which he deserved. (Even despite those dismal low marks in the long. WTF again.) It's just mind boggling.

BUT ANYWAY! The Ladies freeskate is tonight! The last night of competition for figure skating at the Olympics! Watch it, or kick yourself later for missing it! ;-D

figure skating, olympics

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