I absolutely resolutely promise myself I will not buy any more stuff from American Girl this year, except at the benefit sale this summer. That being said, I just bought myself Addy's Flower Picking dress, plus Addy's Shoes & Socks. But I had to! I had one last coupon code that was going to expire! I couldn't let it go to waste! *sheepish grin* But OMG I already bought so much AG stuff this winter! It all started because of The Great Samantha Panic, and snowballed from there. You don't even want to know how crazy I went. But in case you do:
Felicity's Summer Outfit
Samantha's School Outfit
Samantha's White Party Slippers
Josefina's Heirlooms
Nellie's Spring Party Dress
Addy's Flower Picking Dress
Addy's Shoes and Socks
Welcome to Josefina's World book
Welcome to Felicity's World book
Welcome to Samantha's World book
Elizabeth's Doll
Felicity's Guitar
Okay, now I've seen it all together, I'm officially horrified. But at least I had coupon codes for it all, which makes me feel (slightly) better!