(no subject)

Jan 19, 2016 03:33

I'm going to see the national tour of 'The Sound of Music' in two weeks! Squee!! Very exciting! And Ashley Brown is playing the Mother Abbess! I saw her live as Laurey in 'Oklahoma!' a few years ago and she was fantastic, I'm really looking forward to seeing her again. The rest of the cast and the whole production look very nice too, so hopefully it should be fun. I just hope it won't be too snowy outside, because I have a lovely new dress I'd like to wear for it, but I don't want to have to give it up and have to wear jeans and winter boots instead due to a blizzard.

Anyway, I'm supposed to be sewing things for my big costuming convention, but the cold winter weather (and this 'getting dark at 5pm' nonsense) is somewhat sapping the life out of me at the moment. All I want to do is sleep!

And I have even more costumes to sew now that I've got tickets for a Steampunk convention this fall. It's probably stupid to go to another con the week before I have to go to a Doctor Who con, but I've always wanted to get into Steampunk, and it's right here in town, so best to give it a try when you don't have to stay in a hotel, right? I hope I can get everything done! Especially since I've been trying to write some Whofic too. I should probably put that on hold till after Costume Con, but the writing bug just creeps up when you least expect it. Might do dw_guestfest again this year if I keep getting ideas- or just leave some prompts, then I won't have to actually write them myself. Best of both worlds. ;)
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