my cosplay plans for this year's Doctor Who convention:

Nov 04, 2014 07:19

1) Victoria Waterfield - The Evil of the Daleks ( Read more... )

doctor who, cosplay, sewing

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newmoonstar November 6 2014, 06:15:11 UTC
I'm in America, and we definitely cosplay the classic stuff a lot here, but most cosplayers do tend to do New Who stuff, and it seems like with Classic Who, the earlier the era, the less cosplay it inspires, so it's entirely possible she could miss seeing Zoe cosplayers, since there's usually only one, if any, it seems, at any given con. (I've actually been doing a series of inspiration posts at dw_classic_cos with ideas for patterns and fabrics to inspire people to do more 1st and 2nd Doctor era characters!)

I promised myself I'll get a flickr account and actually post some pics this year! I've been meaning to for years, and last year I put it off until I'm like, 'well, the con was 6 months ago, no one cares now so I won't bother, blah blah blah'. But if I get all the stuff done I'm planning, I will definitely need to show the world! I just can't decide if I should be in costume when I get pics with the actors. Part of me feels like it would be silly, but the other half of me feels like it would be really neat. Like it'd be like young Zoe and old Zoe in one pic, which would be kind of awesome. IDK what to do, I'm literally way too excited to think clearly. ;)


femme_slash_fan November 6 2014, 14:06:46 UTC
I keep meaning to do Polly, it's awkward though since I'm not exactly skinny. I think most of the classic people get kinda shy about approaching their people.

You so should! I keep doing the 'I won't do this' thing but yeah... I'm writing a blog now on 'All Things Geeky' on Tumblr and Facebook. DO IT IN COSTUME! They love when you do costume.


newmoonstar November 7 2014, 08:35:15 UTC
Omigosh, please do Polly! I've never seen anyone cosplay Polly, it's one of my dearest fandom wishes to see a Polly somewhere! Go for it! Few of us are as skinny as Anneke Wills, but as long as you get the outfit right, no one will even think twice about that; they'll just be thrilled to see a Polly. I wasn't going to do Barbara because I'm way too short, but I just love her so much and I realized that it doesn't matter if I don't look like her, I just want to proclaim my love for her to everyone I meet, and cosplay is the least obnoxious way to do that. ;D

I think I kind of do want to do it in costume! I just got the preliminary schedule though, and I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to work it out, but I have a sneaking desire to recreate that photo of Jamie hugging Victoria from 'The Abominable Snowmen' with Frazer Hines! And my Abominable Snowmen Victoria outfit is almost done now! (And I met Frazer at last year's con, and he's totally willing to hug people, so he'd probably do it, too!)

What's your Tumblr url? I'll check out your blog! (I finally broke down and joined tumblr at last, mine's mostly Doctor Who fandom and historical fashion. I'm at )


femme_slash_fan November 7 2014, 20:55:03 UTC
I did a Barbara (lazy cosplay) this year... shirt and mini-skirt with a teacher's coat (she stole it from Ian) and DONE.

I might do next year if I can buy a decent mini-dress that I don't look stupid in.

Awwww!! Just do it, RUN everywhere and you can do it?

it's or allthingsgeeky I think?


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